Santa Gift Certificate Template Free (3 Elf-Approved)

Introducing our Santa Gift Certificate Template Free Printable – the gift that keeps on giving (and saving you from shopping madness)! Santa himself couldn’t resist the charm of this beautifully designed certificate. We’ve put the “ho ho ho” in holiday shopping with this hilarious and hassle-free solution.

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and if you’re reading this article, you’re probably in desperate need of a gift for that special someone who also happens to be a penny-pinching Santa.

Fear not, my frugal friend, because I’ve got you covered with the craziest, most hilarious Santa gift certificate templates you can get your hands on – for free!

Ho-Ho-Ho-larious: Santa Gift Certificate Template Free Printables for the Cheapskate Claus

Grab your Santa hat, brace yourself for some belly laughs, and get ready to be crowned the king or queen of gift-giving!

  1. Santa’s “Never-Ending Hug” Gift Certificate:
    Let’s face it, sometimes people need a hug more than anything else. But here’s the catch – this gift certificate entitles the recipient to an unlimited number of hugs from you, the Santa of Love! Just make sure to specify if it’s a “hug on demand” or if they’ll need to schedule an appointment with you. Warning: excessive hugging may lead to some seriously awkward situations.
  2. Santa’s “Excuse to Get Out of Chores” Gift Certificate:
    We all have those pesky household chores we’d rather avoid. With this Santa Gift Certificate Template Free Printable, you can grant your loved one the magical power to skip a chore of their choice, no questions asked. Imagine the look on their face when they realize they can dodge doing the laundry or cleaning the bathroom, all thanks to the generosity of Santa Frugalis.
  3. Santa’s “5-Minute Dance Party” Gift Certificate:
    Who says gifts can’t be fun and have killer dance moves? With this Santa Gift Certificate Template Free Printable, your giftee will have the incredible chance to initiate an impromptu five-minute dance party anytime, anywhere. From the grocery store to the office, they’ll be the life of the party, and people will wonder what kind of black magic bestowed them with this power. Just make sure they don’t bust any moves in inappropriate places!
  4. Santa’s “Day of Doing Absolutely Nothing” Gift Certificate:
    We all know that one person constantly needs a break from the insanity of everyday life. These Santa’s Village gift certificates grant them an entire day free from responsibilities, obligations, and adulting in general. They can binge-watch their favorite Netflix series, eat ice cream straight from the carton, and retreat from any social interaction. Santa has spoken, and now they have the ultimate excuse for a cozy day!
  5. Santa’s “Personal Comedian” Gift Certificate:
    Is laughter the best gift of all? Absolutely! This gift certificate entitles the holder to a personalized comedy session from none other than Santa’s Comedy Club. Whether it’s jokes, funny stories, or simply making goofy faces, you’ll be there to bring the laughter into their life. Just be prepared for all the awkward silences when your jokes inevitably fall flat.

Santa Gift Voucher Template

Why spend countless hours trudging through overcrowded malls, dodging shopping carts, and getting lost in a sea of frantic last-minute shoppers when you can simply print out this free Santa Gift Voucher Template? It’s an instant game-changer!

Santa Gift Certificate Template Free Printable (3 Elf-Approved): Microsoft Word, PDF, fillable, editable, claus, barbara, restaurant, village, voucher.

With this voucher, you’ll be the master of gift-giving, effortlessly spreading holiday cheer like Santa on speed. Whether you’re rewarding your loved ones with well-deserved presents or simply spreading the festive vibes, our Santa Gift Voucher Template is the ultimate shortcut to present paradise.

Hey, you can take a peek at this new Free Christmas Travel Gift Certificate Template!

Santa Claus Gift Certificate Template

Let’s be honest, Santa himself wishes he had this Santa Claus Gift Certificate Template instead of his heavy sack of gifts. Imagine him sliding down chimneys like Tom Cruise, armed with just a click of a button and his trusty printer. It’s the modern way to deliver joy without any reindeer or pesky elves. Sorry, Rudolph!

Santa Gift Certificate Template Free Printable (3 Elf-Approved): Microsoft Word, PDF, fillable, editable, claus, barbara, restaurant, village, voucher.

But wait, there’s more! This Santa Claus Gift Certificate Template isn’t just about convenience – it’s also a beauty to behold. Our talented designers have crafted a visual masterpiece, marrying the whimsical spirit of Santa with a touch of contemporary flair. It’s like decking the halls with a trendy twist.

Plus, did we mention it’s completely free? Yup, you read that right. No need to part with your hard-earned cash or sacrifice your chocolate Santa collection for this gem. We’re all about spreading the joy without emptying your wallet.

Get also our FREE Christmas Gift Certificate Template Printable!


Don’t let a limited budget dampen your holiday spirit, dear Santa. With these delightfully silly Santa Barbara restaurant gift certificates, you’ll bring joy, laughter, and a healthy dose of peculiarity into the lives of your loved ones. Remember, it’s the thought that counts, but a good chuckle never hurts anyone. Happy gifting, you hilarious ho-ho-hero!

So, ditch the sleigh and the long, agonizing lines. Whip out your printer and make Santa proud. Our Santa Gift Certificate Template is the perfect way to make gift-giving merrier (and way less stressful). It’s time to get in the holiday spirit and gift away like a pro!


A passionate mathematician with a creative edge.